What kind of losses are not covered by the policies?

Every type of insurance policy contains certain exclusions to coverage. The most common exclusion in all insurance policies is the exclusion for pre-existing or known conditions. That is, if the condition you are looking to make a claim on existed prior to purchasing the policy, then the condition is excluded from coverage.

Cancellation and Postponement exclusions include the following:

  1. Covid-19 and Pandemic related losses.
  2. Non-Appearance of persons other than a honoree or their Immediate Family Members.
  3. Deployment to a base less than 150 miles from the event.
  4. Lack of funds (other than caused by unemployment).
  5. Cancellation or postponement due to the voluntary decision of an honoree (“change of heart”).
  6. Weather conditions, unless so extreme as to prevent an honoree, honoree’s immediate family or more than 50% of the guests from reaching the event venue, or which renders the event venue unusable or unsafe.
  7. Failure of the photographer or videographer to meet anyone’s expectations of style or quality.
  8. Theft that is not reported to the police in a timely manner.

Liability exclusions include the following:

  1. Bodily injury or property damage caused by an intentional act.
  2. Bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use of any motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft.
  3. Bodily injury or property damage that does not occur at the wedding venue.
  4. Bodily injury or property damage occurring outside the coverage dates for the wedding.
  5. Workers compensation and/or employment claims.
  6. Claims arising out of a criminal act.
  7. Claims arising out of the use of pyrotechnics, fireworks and/or lasers. (sparklers are allowed if used outdoors).

The above examples are for reference purposes only and are not intended to be a comprehensive list of all exclusions. For a complete list of policy exclusions and their specific details, please refer to the actual wording of each policy. Kindly, keep in mind, specific coverage questions can only be answered after a claim has been made and a claims adjuster has been assigned to investigate the claim. All claims are handled on an individual basis in accordance with the terms of your insurance policy.

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